Water Quality in Cottage Grove, MN
The city of Cottage Grove reports the water hardness to average 17 grains per gallon from city provided and filtered water. Residence that are sourcing their water from private wells are likely to have much higher hardness levels.
Anything over 10 grains per gallon is considered hard / very hard and can result in mineral deposits on dishes and stiff feeling laundry. If you have noticed these issues, contact Merle’s Water Conditioning for a free water analysis or ask us about our water softeners.
Cottage Groves’ Public Works Department is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the water supply. The water supply is comprised of 12 different wells that range in depth between 284 feet deep and 475 feet deep. Each of the city wells draws water from the Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer that also supplies water to surrounding communities.
Working with the Minnesota Department of Health, the Public Work’s Department tests drinking water for more than 100 contaminants. The drinking water in Cottage Grove contains both chlorine and fluoride to meet the standards set out by the Department of Health.
Cottage Grove is one of several communities affected by PFC water contamination and is participating in the 3M PFC settlement process. This process is guiding the use of $720 million in settlement money that is to address issues related to the PFAS contamination in the East Metro.
If you live in or are looking to move to Cottage Grove Minnesota or are concerned about PFCs in your drinking water, Merle’s Water Conditioning can help. We provide complimentary water testing service and even have water filtration systems that can filter out PFCs ( PFAS ) from your home drinking water.
To find out more about PFCs, check out our article – Filtering Out PFCs PFASs and PFOs in Minnesota Drinking Water where we cover the details of the contaminants, where they come from, and what you can do to remove them from your drinking water.
(Information Provided By the City Of Cottage Grove)
Report Data – January 1 – December 31, 2018